Today, a podcast episode with Craig Groeschel got me thinking about Tiny Habits.  I know many of you listen to his leadership podcast, and he is just an incredible leader himself. He is a man of faith, an unbelievable leader, and author. He recently just came out with the book, The Power To Change.


I like to use these trainings as spotlights to point out tools, skills, and resources that business owners will find most helpful. There’s a lot of times that I’ll hear something, I’ll read something, I’ll listen to something, and then it may spur a train of thought.

What Helped Me Think About Tiny Habits

There’s a few books that I’m also referencing for this concept. Tiny Habits written by BJ Fogg is fantastic. I think the seminal book now is Atomic Habits by James Clear. Others include The Power of Habit is written by Charles Duhigg and High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. And then the most recent one that I just finished was The Power To Change written by Craig Groeschel. So those are the five books all around habits that I’ve dug into read all of them that have impacted me and my thinking.

people learning together

The #1 Tiny Habit

But on the podcast I heard with Carry, he asked Craig, “What are some of the habits that you believe that are high mileage?” Now previously in this conversation, they had talked about sleep for quite a quite a bit. They talked about fitness, they talked about just discipline of regimen of their days and structure, etc. 

I expected he would say exercise, daily habits of reading the Bible (if you’re a person of faith), meditation, or what what you eat. Instead, he said that number one is learning habit. Because what you learn is going to determine what you eat, how you sleep, etc. And then number two is a thinking habit, because your thoughts can either become your enemy, or your best friend. Either way, your thinking determines what you do. And then lastly, a friendship habit, because that impacts everything. 

Learn, Think, Friends

So what you learn what you think, and who you’re with, would determine everything else. I immediately  went into Notion, where I keep all of my notes and thoughts. I listed out some of the thinking and people that occupy my time.  And then I called some of my close friends, my community, and shared that with them. One of my colleagues encouraged me to record a solo podcast about this, and I did. (Thanks Rob!) You need a learning habit, a thinking habit, and then a friendship habit.  

man with chalk arms drawn on

What Is Your Tiny Habit?

I’ve been asking myself, “What are my habits around learning?”  I want to continue to be a student of the game, whatever that game is business or life. When it comes to thinking habits, I’ve talked about the power of thinking time.  This concept was highly influenced from an amazing entrepreneur, Keith Cunningham. Not just thinking time in the business, but how my thoughts are impacting daily life. And then lastly, I considered the friendship habit.  Am I pouring in the time to have a small group of friends? Pratik talks about having three to five people that you’re really, really close with. Otherwise, it takes time and frequency of connections with people. 

So tell me,

Which habits do you want to develop in your life?

Grow Your Leadership

Bradley has many resources to grow your leadership in the area of vision and priorities.  Check out a few of them:

I don’t get on social media very often, but when I do it’s usually Twitter.  Recently, I stumbled onto Facebook and found a post from Taki Moore about “day 1.” He shared, “There is nothing more powerful than someone who’s admitted what they want.”  This is such a profound statement, and I want to unpack it with you.  Keep reading…

business legos thumbnail

Ever opened a set of legos and spread all the pieces out?  It’s a big mess.  This can be similar to having many moving pieces in business.  You have a picture in mind, but you aren’t sure how to build it.  Here’s how to get the step by step for business legos:  Keep reading…

it's time to solve the rainmaker's dilemma

It’s difficult to get to your destination if you aren’t sure where you currently are!  After all, the path from Minnesota to Canada is very different than the path from Mexico to Canada.  If you aren’t certain where you’re at today in business, you need to take the Rainmaker to Architect assessment.  It will gauge your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and in your business.  Then, you’ll get detailed, specific suggestions for improvement.  Take the assessment here.