How are you actually keeping score?  You have to be able to tell the winners from the losers.  In your business, a scoreboard will help you track if you’re pursuing your priority.  In this training, Bradley says “Show me your scoreboard.”

boeing cockpit

Does Your Scoreboard Track Everything?

Often in business, we tend to make everything a priority.  This turns a simple, useable scoreboard for the whole team into the equivalent of a Boeing 700 cockpit.  Just like having a calendar full of everything and nothing can dilute your priorities, tracking every metric does the same.  For team priorities, you want to have scoreboards that are easy to follow!  You don’t want to overwhelm everyone because they won’t even know what the score is.  A simple, clean scoreboard that tracks important metrics is much more effective for your team.

darts board

But What About My Scoreboards?

As an owner, there are some numbers that I will always track for myself.  I don’t share these with my team, because they are goals that I’m working towards or tracking separately.  In my business, some of these goals include overall growth and revenue.  However, I include my team in many of the decisions and goals made throughout the year.

multicolor led scoreboard

What Your Scoreboards Should Track

I recommend taking time to look at all your numbers, and then determine what three things matter the most in your business.  Remember, if everything is a priority, then nothing is. Then reflect back on whether or not your calendar has time for those priorities.  Finally, work on getting a cadence with your team to discuss and track numbers that show your progress. The best scoreboards are created by your team.  This allows them to understand, track, and take ownership of them.  If you’ve read the book Four Disciplines of Execution (Jim Hueling joined us on the podcast to talk about this), you’ll know that your team should be involved in building the scoreboard.

Resources to Grow Your Leadership

Bradley has many resources to grow your leadership in the area of vision and priorities.  Check out a few of them:

what are your priorities

Many business owners never take the time to decide where they want to go.  Readers of our blog usually don’t fall into this category on a broad scale, but I would like to challenge you to dig deeper.  When I ask, “What are your priorities?” what I mean is “What are your goals?” Keep reading…

bradley smiling and saying "show me your calendar

If you make everything a priority, then you make nothing a priority.  In this quick video training, Bradley says, “Show Me Your Calendar,” to see which priorities are getting your time. Keep reading…

it's time to solve the rainmaker's dilemma

It’s difficult to get to your destination if you aren’t sure where you currently are!  After all, the path from Minnesota to Canada is very different than the path from Mexico to Canada.  If you aren’t certain where you’re at today in business, you need to take the Rainmaker to Architect assessment.  It will gauge your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and in your business.  Then, you’ll get detailed, specific suggestions for improvement.  Take the assessment here.