Are you training like you’re trying to get into the D1 Division, or like you’ve made it and have nowhere else to go? Here’s a quick training on how you can continue to set goals for growth that keep you on track for your three year vision.

What’s Your Goalpost?
Have you set a three year vision? Do you know what you’re trying to do in 1 month, 1 quarter, 1 year, or 3 years? I’ve seen many owners, including myself, crush their 3 year goal early and reset the goal. But if you start iterating off your 3 year vision, you end up moving the goal post constantly. You never end up being able to say “I was way off – too small or too big.” That is a big lesson and an important one.

D1 Division Qualified vs. D1 Athlete
My client Jordan played tight end starting as a senior in high school. But he was built like a tight end and played in an IA school. He really wanted to be able to make it to the D1 School. That was his vision. And he did all the right things and got a transfer scholarship to Tulsa. When he got to Tulsa, he’d made it. He didn’t set another goal. He said, “If I looked back on it, if I had said I wanted to be at a D1 school, I want to start and catch touchdowns, it would have changed my approach completely.” I pressed him on that to see what he meant.

What You Can Learn From Jordan
For Jordan, he said that he had a QB as a roommate in Tulsa, and he wished he had gotten his roommate to practice with him instead of going out and doing things that his peers were doing with him. He could’ve done extra reps outside practice and perfected his craft, but he didn’t. He had achieved his goal. Now, he reflects back and wishes he had thought better.

A Three Year Vision Goes Quickly
I think that you could equate a college career to a 3 year vision. That time goes really quickly. So I want to encourage you to really think about what you actually want to accomplish. Whenever we think about the 3 year, 1 year, and 90 day, we tend to overestimate what we can get done in 12 weeks and underestimate what can be done in 3 years.
It’s key to see your three year vision as quarters stacked one over another to accomplish your goals. Ultimately what you do on a quarterly basis is leading you closer and closer to your true vision. The importance of what you actually manifest as the direction for your company matters. A lot. If you want to send me your vision and get some feedback, send it along. I think that your three year vision is so important.
Grow Your Leadership
Bradley has many resources to grow your leadership in the area of vision and priorities. Check out a few of them:
Learn How To Install The Structure, Process, and Routine To Create Predictability In Your Business. Click here to join us.
As a business owner, learn why you have to lead from the front by assuming the identity of being “in training.” Read more…

It’s difficult to get to your destination if you aren’t sure where you currently are! After all, the path from Minnesota to Canada is very different than the path from Mexico to Canada. If you aren’t certain where you’re at today in business, you need to take the Rainmaker to Architect assessment. It will gauge your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and in your business. Then, you’ll get detailed, specific suggestions for improvement. Take the assessment here.