In your business, you need a blueprint and plans. Does this sound unfamiliar? Keep reading…
Who do you think the first person was that my wife and I called after we decided to renovate the house? It wasn’t a builder or a banker, it was an architect. We called a well-known architect in our area, Paul Methany, when we wanted to get started.
First, his team took measurements at our house. Then, my wife shared all her ideas from her Pinterest board and notes. After getting our input, the architect team mocked up a few options. We selected one and customized it, and then we called the builder.
Did the builder take the blueprint from our architect and get to work immediately? No, he created a plan to materialize the blueprint.

I shared this story because it illustrates a key difference between a blueprint and a plan. You need both to get the result you want! This is just as true for a building as it is for a business. It’s possible to sweat and work without a blueprint, a plan, or both. However, you won’t get what you truly want without planning.

I recommend a 3 year vision to business owners. It’s important to think ahead, but to also limit yourself to a reasonable time frame. And while you can take the time to lay out your clear vision, this isn’t enough. You can have a vision or goals without having a plan to get there. If you check out Vivid Vision by Cameron Herald, you’ll have a basis for truly mapping out the “vivid” vision of where you want the business to be.

As a side note, some business consultants and coaches recommend having a 10 or even 25 year vision. However, I have personally found this timeframe to be way too long. So much can change in just three years, or even one year! Take a moment to think about where you were three years ago. Does it feel like it was just yesterday? I feel that way too. This is why 3 years has been a great time frame for me. It’s not so far off that I lose track of where I’m going, but it is also enough time to get meaningful work accomplished.

Once you have a vision (blueprint), you can create a plan.

A plan can look like many things. Here are a few qualities it should have to be effective:
- It should be specific.
- It should also be easy to implement.
- It is not a big picture view, but it does have clear steps to the big picture.
- It should include steps for your team to take.
- It should not be owner dependent.
Most of the business owners I meet are not great managers. While leadership is a journey, and quite a few of my clients are great leaders, the majority of owners in the world have a visionary approach. This can hinder their ability to lead. Keep reading…
Your business relies on people. All businesses do! And fortunately, people can never become machines. They have original ideas, emotions, perceptions, and needs. Wondering how to cultivate your business like a garden, rather than expecting it to operate like a well-oiled machine? Keep reading…
How many binders full of business info and strategies do you have on a shelf? What about notes on your phone? Ideas are truly everywhere these days, they’ve almost become worthless. However, what you implement is what makes all the difference. Keep reading…