If you’re a business owner, you know that there’s a conventional 40 hour week. There’s approximately 2, 080 working hours in a year. But how you spend your 8,760 hours each year can change your business and your life.

Your Time Is Money

I’m sure you’ve heard, “We all have the same 24 hours in a day.” However, I don’t really buy into this philosophy. Millionaires, and even billionaires, use their time differently. While I don’t personally know any of these, I’m certain that they are protective of their time. Most importantly, it’s not the number of hours they spend, it is how they allocate their time. However, most of us don’t know how much time we even spend working or sleeping. So how could you possibly allocate your time well? This is an important question for any business owner.

How Much Time Did You Spend Working Last Year?

If you’re like me, you probably don’t know how much time you spent working last year. However, you can decide what you want that amount of time to be this year. Here is how I think you can do this.

First, begin to measure how much time you spend doing things. I recommend using the Time & Energy Audit from our BlueprintOS to not only track this, but to track the value of the time you spend. Then, set a limit on how much time you want to spend working. If you’re familiar with Parkinson’s Law, then you know the theory is that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.

No matter what, the amount of time you decide to spend on something is at least how long it will take. So set your hours wisely.

Can You Build a Business with $10 Tasks?

Your business isn’t built through answering emails or managing a calendar. It’s built through key moneymaking activities. After you use the Time & Energy Audit for about a week, look at the most valuable tasks you’ve managed. Now, look for the least valuable tasks to delegate. The only way that you can grow your business is through prioritizing the most valuable tasks that only you can complete. This is how you begin to create a business that doesn’t depend on you, while also protecting your own time and energy.

Grow Your Leadership

Bradley has many resources to grow your leadership in the area of vision and priorities. Check out a few of them:

I was recently talking to a fellow business owner who transparently shared, “I’m dreading going back to work.” My very first thought was, “Dang, it sucks that he feels that way, but it doesn’t have to be like this.” Keep reading…

The most important thing you can do for your team is to give them your energy, but you can’t give what you don’t have. In the second part of PersonalOS, Bradley shares how you can prioritize taking action on your business objectives, protect your time and energy, and lead yourself first. Watch to learn more.

image of computer with assessment pulled up and text "rainmaker to architect assessment"

It’s difficult to get to your destination if you aren’t sure where you currently are! After all, the path from Minnesota to Canada is very different than the path from Mexico to Canada. If you aren’t certain where you’re at today in business, you need to take the Rainmaker to Architect assessment. It will gauge your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and in your business. Then, you’ll get detailed, specific suggestions for improvement. Take the assessment here.



Bradley Hamner Headshot

Bradley is a Business Growth Coach and Value Builder consultant, empowering entrepreneurs to become architects of their own success. He shares his revolutionary BlueprintOS methodology, unlocking businesses’ true potential and driving remarkable achievements.

Learn more about BlueprintOS and Bradley…