What is Bradley’s “log of lessons learned?” He keeps a note on his phone all year to capture lessons as he learns them. Watch this quick video to learn his top 8 takeaways from ownership, entrepreneurship, and leadership this year.

open notebook with writing, cup of coffee, and open book on a desk

Bradley’s 2022 Log of Lessons Learned

Do you keep a journal, private email, personal slack thread, or some other way to “send” yourself thoughts and lessons throughout the year? Bradley does this in his notes app.

woman in front of computer with notebook and coffee, hands raised in the air and smiling

#1 Success is Not Determined by What I Know, but How Fast I Learn.

Some people say it’s not what you know, but who you know.  I think it is who and what you choose to learn from. This means curating the right people, books, podcasts, and other resources around me to determine wha