Great athletes train to improve their weak areas and become better all around players. But in business, Bradley shares his experiences around doing the opposite of this, and why it’s more effective for your bottom line.

Strengths or Weaknesses?

When you look at great athletes like Giannis Antetokounmpo or Steph Curry, you hear inspiring stories about how they excelled in one area and were weak in another. They always trained to improve, and their skills become greater assets to the game. So as a business owner, you may feel that if you get better at new skills and weak areas, you can make more money in your career. After all, doesn’t your weakness also weaken your business? This sounds like a logical conclusion.

However, other people recommend discovering what you’re really good at, and then tripling down on it. That sounds great too, until you realize that focusing on only your strengths is beginning to hold your business back. You don’t know anything about hiring or marketing, so you can only grow as far as your skills allow you to do or lead.

What Does a Business Need?

Then I heard something that truly made sense. Look at the business as its own entity – outside of your personal strengths and weaknesses – that need to be balanced. You may be 85% – 90% focused in on sales if it’s your strength, but you need marketing if you’re going to sell something. So you need to find someone who knows marketing and then bring them into the business. This is the “who” not “how” concept.  This is how you can continue to focus on your strengths while also strengthening the weak areas of your business.

Discover the strengths and weaknesses in your business so that you can begin to balance them with this free assessment.

Grow Your Leadership

Bradley has many resources to grow your leadership in the area of vision and priorities. Check out a few of them:

the bottom line for every role

During a recent conversation with Bradley, one of his clients shared his plans for expanding his team. This business owner’s vision had been meticulously outlined… Keep reading…

In this free WebClass, learn how to design & install an operating system that runs like clockwork. Learn more…

image of computer with assessment pulled up and text "rainmaker to architect assessment"

It’s difficult to get to your destination if you aren’t sure where you currently are! After all, the path from Minnesota to Canada is very different than the path from Mexico to Canada. If you aren’t certain where you’re at today in business, you need to take the Rainmaker to Architect assessment. It will gauge your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and in your business. Then, you’ll get detailed, specific suggestions for improvement. Take the assessment here.



Bradley Hamner Headshot

Bradley is a Business Growth Coach and Value Builder consultant, empowering entrepreneurs to become architects of their own success. He shares his revolutionary BlueprintOS methodology, unlocking businesses’ true potential and driving remarkable achievements.

Learn more about BlueprintOS and Bradley…