As 2024 is kicking off, I want you to think back to those first few days you were returning work. Were you excited, apprehensive, or motivated? I was recently talking to a fellow business owner who transparently shared, “I’m dreading going back to work.” My very first thought was, “Dang, it sucks that he feels that way, but it doesn’t have to be like this.” If you’ve been dreading work, or even if you’ve felt that way before, I think that what I have been learning and sharing with my clients will be relatable.

When Your Business Gives You The Opposite of Freedom

The truth is that I have felt that way many times before. My expectation was that when I own the business, I get to choose what I want to do. In fact, I started my business because I wanted the freedom and the flexibility of self employment. Unfortunately, being an entrepreneur provided everything except freedom. Whenever I wanted to take a break, it was from a place of frustration. The break didn’t energize me, and I was not looking forward to returning to work. 

Even when I was working without breaks, I was dreading work week after week. This was primarily from a place of frustration over goals that I couldn’t achieve. I fantasized about quitting my job…and I was the boss! 

Realizing You Are The Rainmaker

Eventually, I was tired of feeling that way. The business had grown by default, not design. At that point, I realized that my business needed to be designed, and I was the one who had the opportunity to do so. There was no structure in place to then build the team that I wanted. There was no process and structure in place to develop the team. There wasn’t even structure or process to cultivate  the culture.

And so everywhere I looked, I saw problems.

The majority of the business owners I’ve spoken with have expressed that at some point they felt this way. Does this sound familiar? You may not be happy or fulfilled. Or maybe you’re not satisfied with the progress. It’s important to realize that you’re acting as a rainmaker in your business – right now everything relies on you. 

Becoming The Architect Of Your Business

So what should you do? You can begin first to see yourself as the architect of Of your business. This will allow you to think about doing the work to creates a blueprint for what you want that business to look like.  Then, you can design the plan to make it happen.

Are you wondering what it actually looks like to begin to see yourself as the architect, what it means, and how to go about actually designing?  I just spent the last two episodes talking about some of the things that you will want to think about as you work through this process. You can find them linked below. But to get started, I want to give you one of my BlueprintOs Assets free: Time and Energy Audit.

Grow Your Leadership

Bradley has many resources to grow your leadership in the area of vision and priorities. Check out a few of them:

The most important thing you can do for your team is to give them your energy, but you can’t give what you don’t have. In the second part of PersonalOS, Bradley shares how you can prioritize taking action on your business objectives, protect your time and energy, and lead yourself first. Watch to learn more.

We are in the first week of the new year, and most of us have done some level of planning to project what you want to accomplish in 2024. But how are you going to connect that plan to what is actually happening in Month 1? I strongly believe that it requires not just a business with an operating system (learn more about that here), but that we as owners have a personal operating system, aka a PersonalOS. Keep reading…

image of computer with assessment pulled up and text "rainmaker to architect assessment"

It’s difficult to get to your destination if you aren’t sure where you currently are! After all, the path from Minnesota to Canada is very different than the path from Mexico to Canada. If you aren’t certain where you’re at today in business, you need to take the Rainmaker to Architect assessment. It will gauge your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and in your business. Then, you’ll get detailed, specific suggestions for improvement. Take the assessment here.



Bradley Hamner Headshot

Bradley is a Business Growth Coach and Value Builder consultant, empowering entrepreneurs to become architects of their own success. He shares his revolutionary BlueprintOS methodology, unlocking businesses’ true potential and driving remarkable achievements.

Learn more about BlueprintOS and Bradley…